
In effect since: 8 January 2024.


Itemzen designs, builds and distributes its digital services and products in line with industry best practices, and maintains the highest standards regarding security and data protection.

Despite our efforts and best intentions, we acknowledge vulnerabilities might slip through internal testing and make it to production unnoticed. We therefore opt for a policy of coordinated disclosure, as to provide well-intended third parties a transparent and formal procedure to share any vulnerability related information.

This policy applies to all software directly created and maintained by Itemzen. In case of doubt, please contact us at

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you believe to have discovered a vulnerability in one of our services or products, we ask you to:

  • Report the vulnerability as soon as possible after discovery. Contact us at Do not include any specific vulnerability details in your initial mail. We will offer you a secure channel to share your findings as part of our reply.
  • If possible, help us to quickly and accurately triage the vulnerability by providing a benign proof of exploitation. Allow us to reproduce your findings by providing sufficiently detailed instructions and/or sample data. Include the name of the service or product, and the version number where applicable.
  • Ensure we can contact you should we have additional questions. Leave your contact details, such as name, e-mail address and/or telephone number. You have the right to stay anonymous, so reporting under a pseudonym is possible.
  • Confirm that you have acted, and will continue to act in accordance with this policy.

What to Expect

If you comply with the terms set forth in this policy, and otherwise did not perform any illegal acts or breaches against us or one of our customers, we promise to:

  • Not take any legal action against you.
  • Respond to your report as soon as we can. Our initial reply should take no more than 24 hours.
  • Treat your report confidentially. Your personal information will be handled as per our Privacy Policy.
  • Transparently and promptly inform you about any progress regarding your report.
  • Work to solve any genuine vulnerability within the shortest possible time.


If you wish to provide feedback or suggestions on this policy, we encourage you to address them to

We reserve the right to change the content of this policy over time, or to terminate the Policy as needed.

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Where ITAM meets IoT

Langsweirdt BV
VAT BE 0672.420.826
Bruges, Belgium


Copyright 2023-2024 Langsweirdt BV. All rights reserved.